Energy Innovation

Sustainable development and global decarbonization depends on social and technological innovation. But how do these innovation emerge and transfer? How can research, development, and deployment activities be best incentivized? What kinds of institutions can boost innovation for the good of everyone?

Current Projects

Energy Innovation Spillovers

We are collaborating with researchers at Cambridge University and Harvard University to study the drivers and impacts of technology innovation spillovers in solar, batteries, and LED lighting. Our research is helping to understand the historic drivers of how energy technology innovation has been influenced by other sectors of the economy and highlighting lessons learned for policy.

Selected Publications

Grimley, Matthew, Anna Giesting, Sarah Komoroski, Gabriel Chan. 2024. “Processes of power: Transitions and justice of energy infrastructure in Minnesota.Energy Research & Social Science 111: 103458.

Grimley, Matthew, Gabriel Chan. 2023. “‘Cooperative is an Oxymoron!’: A Polycentric Energy Transition Perspective on Distributed Energy Deployment in the Upper Midwestern United States.Energy Policy 172: 113328.

Gabriel Chan and Alexandra Klass. 2022. “Regulating for Energy Justice.New York University Law Review 97(5): 1426-1506